Why Short Term Hype Shouldn’t Determine Your Real Estate Investing Investment Strategy

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype surrounding short term investment opportunities. From NFTs to cryptocurrencies to individual stocks, there’s no shortage of new and exciting investments to consider. However, as tempting as these options may be, it’s important to remember that real estate investing requires a long term perspective. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of thinking long term when it comes to real estate investing and why short term hype shouldn’t be the driving force behind your investment strategy. So, if you want to make informed and strategic decisions about your real estate investments, it’s essential to look beyond the hype and focus on long term planning.

Why Long Term Thinking is Key in Real Estate Investing

As real estate investors, the decisions we make have a direct impact on our financial futures. From deciding which markets to invest in, to choosing which properties to purchase, every choice has the potential to shape our future success. However, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and hype of short term investment opportunities, leading to impulsive decisions that may not be the best for our long term portfolio. To make informed and strategic real estate investment decisions, it’s important to focus on long term planning rather than getting caught up in short term hype. By considering the long term value of our investments, we can make decisions that are more likely to contribute to our overall financial success.

The Consequences of Short Term Thinking in Real Estate Investing

When real estate investors make decisions based on short term excitement and hype, they often miss out on the long term potential of their investments. This can result in low returns and leave investors feeling as though they missed out on significant growth opportunities. For example, if you buy a property with the intention of quickly flipping it for a quick profit, you may miss out on the opportunity for long term growth. This is particularly true in markets that have experienced rapid appreciation in recent years. In these cases, it may take a long time for real estate values to reach the same levels again, and you may have to wait to sell your property and see a return on your investment.

One example of this is the housing market in Toronto in the early 2022. Many investors bought properties with the intention of flipping them for a quick profit, but the market quickly cooled, and those properties sat on the market for longer than expected. Had these investors considered the long term potential of their investments, they may have held onto the properties and waited for the market to recover rather than attempting to sell at a loss.

The Advantages of Long Term Thinking in Real Estate Investing

Investors who prioritize long term thinking in their real estate investments are often more successful than those who focus solely on short term gains. This is because thinking of the latter can lead to doubts about the value of current investments, especially when they don’t appear to be paying off quickly enough. While it’s natural to want to see a return on your investments as soon as possible, those who focus solely on short term gains may be disappointed. By focusing on the long term benefits of real estate investments, investors can stay aligned with their financial goals and avoid being swayed by the allure of quick profits. Additionally, long term thinking can help prevent the feeling of missing out on potential gains by not jumping on the latest investment trend.

How to Shift Your Mindset to a Long Term Perspective

To successfully prioritize long term thinking in real estate investing, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your financial goals and a strategic plan to achieve them. Here are a few tips for maintaining a long term perspective:

  1. Be aware of the hype: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new investment opportunities, especially in the real estate industry. To avoid making hasty decisions based on hype alone, take the time to thoroughly research and understand the potential benefits and risks of each investment.
  2. Set clear goals and stay focused on the long term: Before making any new investments, establish specific financial goals for your real estate portfolio and use them as a guiding force for your decision-making process. Consider factors such as your desired level of risk, the amount of capital you have available to invest, and the timeline for when you want to achieve your goals.
  3. Ask yourself tough questions: When considering a new investment, ask yourself why you are choosing that particular option and how it will help you achieve your long term goals. This will help you make more strategic and informed decisions.
  4. Seek the guidance of experienced professionals: It’s always a good idea to seek the advice of experienced professionals, such as real estate agents or financial advisors, when making investment decisions. They can offer valuable insights and guidance to help you stay focused on your long term goals.

By following these tips, you can shift your mindset to a long term perspective and make more informed and strategic decisions about your real estate investments. This will help you build a solid foundation for your portfolio and achieve your financial goals over the long term.


In conclusion, long term thinking is crucial for successful real estate investing. Investors can minimize risk and maximize returns by focusing on long-term planning and strategy. It’s important to resist the temptation to chase short term gains and instead adopt a long term perspective. This can involve setting clear goals, asking tough questions, and seeking guidance from experienced professionals. Remember, real estate investing is a long term process that requires patience and discipline. By maintaining a long term perspective, you’ll be better able to weather any market fluctuations and achieve your financial goals.